Community Energy Plan

Energy Master Plan – February 2022

This local Energy Plan has been developed to enable the community to look at its existing and future energy needs in terms of power, heat, and transport and to determine where it sees priorities and opportunities for action.

The development of the plan has been led by a steering group that includes representatives from the Clooney/Spancilhill Community Development Group SEC with assistance from the SEAI county mentor. The development of the plan has been funded as part of the SEAI Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) program.

Clooney/Spancilhill Community Development Group, a registered member of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s (SEAI) Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) Network, has entered into a three year Partnership Agreement with SEAI. The objectives of the SEC program are to:

– Increase energy efficiency

– Use renewable energy

– Develop decentralized energy supplies