2019 Activities
Spring Clean
Our first outing was our Spring Clean when we collected 33 bags of rubbish off our local roads. Well done to all involved!
Tidy Towns Competition
We entered our first Tidy Towns competition in June and were delighted to achieve a great result in our first year, 221 points. The report can be downloaded here.
An Appeal for Bulbs and donations went out to the locality for a Spring Bulb plant event, this was collected with thanks to Marie Kennedy at Clooney Stores.
The Planting event was then hosted in October which was a huge success.
Tidy Towns Funding
- €200 Ennis MD application for funding- used on Walshe’s Cross project
- Due to receive €1000 SuperValu Tidy towns allocation
- Public donation €80 and bulb donations
- Community Enhancement Scheme – €400 for planting awarded to ‘Creating a Buzz Project’ to be completed early 2020.